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It's Here ... Pepper! Busby Series Book 4

It's been a long and arduous journey. I am happy and pleased to announce the birth of my newest book, number 9! —Pepper, Busby Series Book 4!

Thank you all for your kindness and patience and all the push-backs. So much has been going on in my life and it is a blessing and sheer miracle to finally bring Pepper to print. But, she's here, and ready for your eyes, heart, and soul; just in time for the Summer! I promise you—this is the novel you want to take with you everywhere this summer. Definitely a great beach read!

Busby, is a very special place to me. Though it is a fictional town in South Carolina, it is based upon my time as a young girl, spent in Beaufort, South Carolina (Where my family is from) and North Carolina. Going “Down South” was a treat for me as a little girl. I even lived there for a short time with my grandparents. I met and remember a lot of people who in some way, or another, inspire my characters, and the stories I write in the Busby Series.

Pepper, book four in the series, took me a long time to actually bring to print. To be exact, it has been four years in the making. I dedicated the book to my Mom, who transitioned in the midst of me writing this story. My mother was my muse. And it occurred to me, that I had not released a full-length novel since my mother transitioned. It has been a difficult process. I missed her being the first to read my work and to critique it and give me the green light or go-back-to-the-drawing-board look. The Busby series was her favorite. I've actually written books 5 & 6 in the series before I writing this one. Truth be told, Pepper was only meant to be a short story. But, like Southern Comfort, book 1 in the series; once I began writing and developing my characters, the story blossomed and I fell in love with more Busby characters. My mother read book six, but I decided Pepper needed to come before the two books coming later.

I am proud of what I have accomplished. Pepper was edited seven times! LOL At first, I was worried that it was too long. So, I cut a lot out and it was still long! I realized, however, I had not written a full-length novel in the Busby series since Southern Comfort! Books 2 and 3 in the series are long stories, but not full-length novels. I decided, what the heck! I coming guns loaded!— and giving my readers an excellent story and their money’s worth! It is literary fiction at its finest. I hope you love it! And may it be your greatest summer read! Please share and leave a review!

All My Love,


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