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Making A Difference This Holiday Season

Surprise The Struggling Inc and their Executive Director, Dr. Jacquelyn Wilson plan and host several yearly functions to help the communities around them and globally, in addition to what they do every day of the week. One of the events this Holiday season is a Surprise Holiday Dinner for 380 people (that's roughly 100 families) at the StarBright Family Center in New York to be held on, December 16, 2017. It will be a day of dining and celebration and gift giving. #STS desires to surprise these hard working individuals and families, and encourage them this holiday season with a surprise dinner with all the trimmings, to celebrate their milestones and for all the hard work they are doing to change their life circumstances.

I implore you, today, that if you are in the position to donate as much as $5 to help us feed these families AND gift them with a bag filled with toiletries and a few gifts for the holiday, that you would not only click the following link but also share it with friends, family, colleagues, and your connections.

You are encouraged to visit Surprise The Struggling's website, check out their mission, their gallery, and Blog listing all upcoming events and how you, too, can get involved and make a huge change in someone's life this Holiday season.

I understand that some of us may not even have $5. Trust me, I understand. Whatever you have in your heart to give—a prayer, a dollar, a gently used pursed filled with toiletries, the ability to volunteer—whatever is on the list of needs, please contact #STS at

Thanking you for your support and all that you have already done to help #SurpriseTheStruggling be an aid to so many here and globally. You are truly appreciated! God Bless!

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